Sweed Machinery

Sweed is known in the industry as the superior choice in providing: the latest technology, quality craftsmanship, unmatched customer service and excellent after-sale support for their line of scrap chopping solutions.

Since 1956, Sweed’s recycling equipment has gained prominence in a wide range of industries. Sweed scrap choppers and separation systems help company’s eliminate their manufacturing by-products; keeping scrap materials out of landfills and helping companies achieve their recycling goals. With an ever-expanding list of scrap materials requiring to be processed, Sweed choppers have proven to be dependable in managing scrap recycling needs.

Sweed has also used their extensive knowledge on building quality and dependable scrap choppers to offer shears of all shapes and sizes; enabling companies to process a variety of material for scrap recycling purposes, as well as cut to length shears to aid in packaging efficiency.


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